Faking It?

Growing up I’ve always heard people say, fake it till you make it. This can apply to so many things in life. From relationships and orgasms to genuine happiness, basically a lot of our lives can be spent faking it. 

We fake it, no matter what it is, to make us ignore our true feelings about whatever is going on. Sometimes we don’t even realize that we are faking it! 

I remember just the other day I was thinking about school and my future and I said to myself , “just fake it till you make it Ryley”. In some situations faking it can really work and make you feel better about the situation, but does it make you truly happy? 

One thing I feel like a lot of us fake is happiness. Happiness is something everyone should want! Why not be happy? The thing is, circumstances in life can make us ignore the feeling of happiness because there’s simply no room for it. 

As human beings we go through a lot.. sometimes too much. We need to try to remember to do things that make us happy, so we don’t have to fake it. 

In every situation, while being humble, do things that make you happy before anything else. If you want to stay at home rather than go to a party, stay home! Don’t fake that you are having a good time at a party when you would rather be at home with your cat (or dog). 

I feel like this is common sense but some people need a reminder from time to time. 🙂 

-Ryley ❤

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